Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

Mij first post in 2013. I hope it will be a creative year. Lately I bought many cigarboxes. I'm going to try to change each of them into little artwork.

I used a part of a poem of J.C Bloem when I created this mixed media work

't geluk is nu eenmaal niet te achterhalen.
Wat geeft het?-In de koude voorjaarsnacht
Zingen de onsterfelijke nachtegalen.

It is simply impossible to trace happiness.
What does it matter?-In the cold spring night
the immortal nightingales will sing.


1 comment:

So Dark So Cute said...

great piece Mariet! I also have some old sigar boxes and try to make something out of it ;-)
havent been here because of time consuming FB :-( but im gonna be here more often from now on


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