Monday, September 27, 2010

Chickens are my best friends

We have some small chickens, which are called bantams or 'krielkippen' in Dutch. They became tame during the years and it is obvious that they have their own personality; anxious, bold or sweet. The eggs are delicious. They are allowd to grow old with us, even when the egg-production has stopped.
In hard times they comfort me, just feeding them, see how they respond and always are there, just like a pet.
So it was hard to discover that "Witje-1" died. We buried her in our chicken-graveyard.
I decided it was time to make a chicken-collage. As you can see the chicken is passing the line to the, I hope, sweet Nothing. I managed to make it in two days, that is a record for me.
So thanks to Witje, our sometimes fearful and mostly brave chicken. 


Marguerite (Tina) Smith Hart said...

Oh emce I am sorry to hear about Witje-1 dying. It is so hard to lose an affectionate friend, but she is in a very happy barnyard now munching on the very best nibbles.
What a beautiful piece of tribute art you have created for her memory. It is just amazing emce!
Have a peaceful happy week...
Tina xo

So Dark So Cute said...

Very nice collage! I'm sorry that you have to miss Witje1 :-( I think its so nice to have chicken and fresh little eggs! If i had a garden i would have them!

Emce said...

Hi Tina ans so dark so cute
Thanks for your nice words!


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