Monday, June 14, 2010

My first scrapbook

Cleaning the attic I found some old diary's. When I followed secundary school every student received the same diary from school. Today  the students can choose their own diary out of many designs. There are many colors and many themes like music, comics, poems, fashion and so on. Or students use their telephones or notebooks as a diary. Not in my days! Every year there was another color but it remained the same design.
My fellow-students, boys or girls, transformed their diary in a personal book, with pictures, drawings and statements. We were hiding those little books far from our teachers and parents because little secrets were written down in them. When I was in love with someone the name was hidden behind a picture or mentioned in a complex diagram. Those were the days of longing and looking forward to the future. Names of old friends are written down in my index. I remember faces, some quite clear. Where are they, what happened to their lives? One of my schoolfriend's birthday was on the 15e of May. Did she celebrate her birthday?

It touches me that the themes then were the same as they are now: love, the football worldcup, war and peace, friendship. Perhaps these themes are remaining always and everywhere as a cultural heritage, belonging to humanity during a very long time. My diary is almost falling apart. Last year I started a new scrapbook/diary. It must be aging many years before I'm going to show my latest one.


So Dark So Cute said...

How great you still have your diary! I trew them all away,cause i didnt want to remind by the past. I wa very shy and children are little demons to you when you don't stand up for yourself :-( I only have some drawings and other creative stuff from when i was maybe 4?

So Dark So Cute said...

Ik kan ineens geen foto's in een bericht plaatsen :-( Er staat geen icoontje in het scherm voor een nieuw bericht maken. Is dat bij jou ook zo?

So Dark So Cute said...

Oh, ik had per ongeluk op html bewerken gedrukt,hihihi!


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